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Stop Weekend Weight Gain with Calorie Cycling

Are you trying to lose weight but struggling to stick to your diet on the weekends? Whether you're a busy mom, a weekend warrior, or someone who loves social events, this weight loss approach might be the perfect fit for you.

What is Calorie Cycling?

Calorie Cycling is an effective method for people who want to lose weight and keep it off, especially if you tend to eat more on the weekends or have a lot of parties and events to attend.

Why Calorie Cycling Might Be Right for You

There are many ways to lose weight, but Calorie Cycling works with your natural habits instead of against them. If you find it tough to stay on track during the weekend, this could be a game-changer for your weight loss journey.

Let’s break it down and compare the usual way of losing weight (a straight calorie deficit) to a calorie cycling diet.

*Note: These numbers are just examples. Don’t use them for yourself. If you need help finding your weight loss calories, you can get my free calorie calculator [here].

Straight Calorie Deficit Diet:

In a straight deficit diet, you would eat the same number of calories every day. For example:

Monday to Sunday: 2000 calories per day.

Total for the week: 14,000 calories (2000 calories x 7 days).

What Does a Calorie Cycle Look Like?

In a calorie cycling diet, you vary your calorie intake throughout the week. For example:

Monday to Friday: 1800 calories per day.

Saturday and Sunday: 2500 calories per day.

Total for the week: 14,000 calories.

Here’s the Math:

1800 calories x 5 days = 9000 calories.

2500 calories x 2 days = 5000 calories.

9000 calories + 5000 calories = 14,000 calories.

This calculation shows how you can enjoy eating more calories on the weekends without going over your weekly total. If you find it easier to stick to your diet during the week when you’re busy with work or family, Calorie Cycling lets you plan for those weekends when you want a little more flexibility.

How to Set Up Your Own Calorie Cycle Diet

If you’ve decided to give Calorie Cycling a try, here’s how to set it up:

*Watch the video at the top for more tips and help with this.

Step 1: Calculate Your Weekly Calorie Total

Multiply your daily calorie goal by 7.

Example: 2000 calories/day x 7 days = 14,000 calories/week.

Step 2: Choose Your Lower Calorie Days

Subtract 200-300 calories from your daily goal.

Example: 2000 - 200 = 1800 calories on lower days.

Step 3: Pick Your Lower Calorie Days

Choose 4-6 days to eat fewer calories. I recommend starting with 5 days.

Example: 5 days at 1800 calories.

Step 4: Add Up the Calories for Your Lower Days

Multiply the calories on lower days by the number of days.

Example: 1800 calories x 5 days = 9000 calories.

Step 5: Use the Rest of Your Calories

Subtract the lower-day total from the weekly total.

Example: 14,000 - 9000 = 5000 calories.

Step 6: Assign Your Higher Calorie Days

Divide the remaining calories by the remaining days (2-3 days).

Example: 5000 calories / 2 days = 2500 calories on higher days.

Now that you know how to set up your calorie cycling diet, it’s time to take action! You have all the information you need, and remember, it’s okay if you’re not perfect. No one is. The key is to keep going and give it your best. I believe in you!

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