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5 Ways to Reduce Your Hunger When Dieting

It's Monday morning at 9:00 a.m. You just ate breakfast, but your stomach is already growling an hour later. You think, "This is going to be tough."

When you're trying to lose weight, feeling hungry is normal. But don't worry! There are simple ways to help you feel less hungry. Here are five easy tips to help you stay full and make losing weight easier.

1. Eat Foods That Fill You Up

Choose foods that will take up a lot of space in your tummy for less calories. Your stomach notices how much food is in it, not just the calories. For example, eating a baked potato will make you feel fuller than eating just a few chips, even if they have the same number of calories.

There is nothing wrong with Doritos. I'm team nacho cheese here--and I might have them occasionally. But for the sake of a weight loss goal, I wouldn't make that choice most of the time.

To help with weight loss, eat mostly whole foods like lean meats, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. These foods have fewer calories but fill you up. Save snacks like chips and candy for special treats. This brings us to our second tactic, which you can start doing today.

2. Eat More Lean Protein

Protein helps keep you full and satisfied longer because It takes longer for your stomach to break down, which is good for keeping hunger low. Try to have 1-2 palm-sized portions of protein with each meal, and include some protein in your snacks.

I want to focus on the word lean here. There are fattier cuts and versions of the same protein sources, and if you're not aware of that, you could be left feeling confused and frustrated that you're eating more protein but still not losing weight like you want. Lean protein means it has less fat. When you buy things like ground beef, look for numbers like 93/7 on the package. The first number shows the percentage of lean protein in it, and the second number shows the percentage of how much fat. More protein and less fat is better for losing weight.

Also, side note: That's why it's usually cheaper to get the higher-fat meats: you get less protein per serving.

I recommend sticking to anything 93/7 and leaner for most meals. Still, this lean protein-to-fat ratio can also be seen in other foods like chicken breast and chicken thigh, as well as ribeye steak and filet, so be mindful of these when adding more protein to your diet.

If you want a whole list of lean protein sources as well as other whole-natural foods, including carbs, fats, and veggies you can just pick and choose from without guessing or spending time researching on your own. You can get a copy of my Macro Cheat Sheet by [Clicking Here.]

3. Eat More Fiber

Most of us don't get enough fiber through our diet, but it's also something you can overdo that can cause digestion issues. This is a goldy locks kind of thing; you don't want too little, but you also don't want too much. A general rule is 15 grams per 1000 calories you're eating, but if you aren't tracking your food, just try to eat a serving of veggies with every meal and 1-2 servings of fruits a day. That will be plenty and will definitely help you stay full longer.

And for all of my constipated peeps out there, this tip is a must. Fiber and water are the 2 most important things you can do to help regulate your bowel movements. Speaking of bowel movements, let's talk about sleep. Was that a good transition? Oh well, let's move on.

4. Get Enough Sleep

Not getting enough sleep can make you feel hungrier and crave unhealthy foods. When you're tired, it's harder to say no to snacks and find the energy to exercise. Not getting enough sleep can make losing weight harder.

I'm not saying weight loss is impossible with bad or little sleep. But if your schedule and life allow you to get enough good-quality sleep, you're shooting yourself in the foot by not taking it.

5. Keep Cardio At a Low-Moderate Intensity

Hard workouts like HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) can make you feel hungrier. I know your Apple Watch shows that you burned a lot of calories doing those things, but if intense workouts make you overeat, it won't help you lose weight. So, my recommendation is to keep cardio at a lower intensity. I love recommending walking or the elliptical to my online fat loss clients. If you can get outside and walk, it's even better. But if you live in a neighborhood that's not good for walking or your schedule doesn't fit, going on a treadmill or walking pad in the home is fine.

To check if your exercise is at a low to moderate intensity, use the conversation test. If you had a friend right next to you while doing your cardio, you should be able to hold a conversation with them for the entire time. You could be breathing a bit heavier, but you would still be able to spill the tea with them.

Final Thoughts

These tips can help you feel less hungry and make your weight loss journey easier. Remember, weight loss is about finding what works best for you. Start using these tips today and see how they help!

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